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From my wonderful clients who want to share ...

"After my knee replacement surgery my ability to bend my knee was slow to improve even though I faithfully did my prescribed exercises twice a day. Myofascial release therapy with Kaari has helped increase my degree of knee bend and decrease my knee and low back pain." - Teresa

"I have been a dental hygienist for 39 years and I have tried everything to relieve the tightness and pain in my neck and shoulders. Chiropractor, acupuncture, physical therapy all helped some but I still couldn’t work in my garden in the summer because leaning forward was so painful. I finally decided to try Myofascial Release, this is the first summer in years that I have worked in my garden with no pain. Kaari is amazing, I can feel her gently coaxing my fascia to let my muscles release and relax. Everyone would definitely benefit from her therapeutic touch." - Nancy F.

"I went to Kaari, trying to deal with fibromyalgia and arthritis. I was in so much pain for so many years. I have tried PT, acupuncture, and of course, my MD. I have now had a number of sessions with Kaari. With almost all sessions I have noticed some kind of effects; tingling, burning, pulling. Nothing is unpleasant or forceful, just a noticeable difference in how it previously felt.

One incident in particular, I had overstretched and bent my hand to scratch an itch. I felt an explosion of pain in my hand and wrist. It was severe enough I went to Urgent Care. There were no breaks, but I had lost all strength in the hand and forearm.
I had an appointment with Kaari five days after this incident. For an hour she gently manipulated my hand and wrist. I felt pulling and tingling in my whole arm, my shoulder joint and in even a tingling into my scapula. It was amazing!

I had been advised by Urgent Care to keep it elevated, so I did for about a week, using the brace off and on that they provided. Now, a month later, I have full use of that hand and arm, a fuller range of motion, and my shoulder joint is no longer painful. I had an arthritic, tender lump developing on that wrist, and now it is gone. During that session, I felt like cords in my forearm moving. The wrist is stilll sore, but totally usable.

I think myofascial release is a wonderful solution for my fibromyalgia. It doesn't make it go away, but makes me able to deal with the pain and function better." - LGK

"Being an active individual I was experiencing sciatic nerve pain that was interfering with my active life style. Following various approaches that brought little relief, a friend referred me to Kaari and myofascial release therapy.

Through Kaari’s care, my sciatic nerve pain is gone. Plus I have been able to resume my full activity schedule once again." - Craig (age 64)

"I was ready to sign my name on the dotted line to have back surgery just before seeing Kaari for my first myofascial release treatment. A friend’s husband had been treated by Kaari for sciatic nerve and had complete relief after some series of treatments.
After having treatments with Kaari, I now have a good majority of  my mobility back and it continues to improve with maintenance treatments. And I am very fortunate to have avoided a fusion back surgery by being willing to experience myofascial release treatments." - LeAnn S. (age 66)

                                  ... I LOVE what I get to do!

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